Ruben Faelens
2006-07-06 13:25:15 UTC
I have tried using Electrolytic Capacitors in place of normal
Cylindrical capacitors which you guys have stated, and you have clearly
insisted on polarity whereas in Electrolytic capacitors this is not the
case. If i do use it can i Interface it with RS232 , please help me out
I'd look at the MAX323 datasheet. It will clearly state there if you can useCylindrical capacitors which you guys have stated, and you have clearly
insisted on polarity whereas in Electrolytic capacitors this is not the
case. If i do use it can i Interface it with RS232 , please help me out
electrolytic capacitors or not. You can always try. I've put up a simple
troubleshooting document at for the
MAX232. IIRC, the capacitors are used to create 12V-pulses, using a VCC of
5V. Using electrolytic ones shouldn't pose any problem, but then again, I
don't know the design of the MAX232. I don't even know if it's 323 or 232