[Isl3893-devel] Capacitors
Ruben Faelens
2006-07-06 13:25:15 UTC
I have tried using Electrolytic Capacitors in place of normal
Cylindrical capacitors which you guys have stated, and you have clearly
insisted on polarity whereas in Electrolytic capacitors this is not the
case. If i do use it can i Interface it with RS232 , please help me out
I'd look at the MAX323 datasheet. It will clearly state there if you can use
electrolytic capacitors or not. You can always try. I've put up a simple
troubleshooting document at
http://student.kuleuven.be/~s0169612/isl3893.htmll#serial-console for the
MAX232. IIRC, the capacitors are used to create 12V-pulses, using a VCC of
5V. Using electrolytic ones shouldn't pose any problem, but then again, I
don't know the design of the MAX232. I don't even know if it's 323 or 232
2006-07-06 14:09:05 UTC
Ruben Faelens wrote ..
Post by Ruben Faelens
troubleshooting document at
http://student.kuleuven.be/~s0169612/isl3893.htmll#serial-console for the

The use of gsm donorcables is so easy I never build a rs232 since.

Geert Stappers
2006-07-06 18:35:47 UTC
Post by Arco
Ruben Faelens wrote ..
Post by Ruben Faelens
troubleshooting document at
http://student.kuleuven.be/~s0169612/isl3893.htmll#serial-console for the
now you can click on
Post by Arco
The use of gsm donorcables is so easy I never build a rs232 since.
Ah, cool idea!

Do those cable operate at TTL (5Volt) or at 3.3 Volt?
(Can they be used in both designs?)

Geert Stappers
Roland Mieslinger
2006-07-08 16:11:00 UTC

here's a link to nokia FBus specification.

There are either serial or USB cables available, both are working (i'm
using USB). I'm not sure about the linux support for the USB cables in
general, at least the PL-2303 converter chip is supported (module

Post by Geert Stappers
Post by Arco
Ruben Faelens wrote ..
Post by Ruben Faelens
troubleshooting document at
http://student.kuleuven.be/~s0169612/isl3893.htmll#serial-console for the
now you can click on
Post by Arco
The use of gsm donorcables is so easy I never build a rs232 since.
Ah, cool idea!
Do those cable operate at TTL (5Volt) or at 3.3 Volt?
(Can they be used in both designs?)
Geert Stappers
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Isl3893-devel mailing list
Geert Stappers
2006-07-08 17:13:58 UTC
Post by Roland Mieslinger
Post by Geert Stappers
Post by Arco
The use of gsm donorcables is so easy I never build a rs232 since.
Ah, cool idea!
Do those cable operate at TTL (5Volt) or at 3.3 Volt?
(Can they be used in both designs?)
here's a link to nokia FBus specification.
It says something about RS232 levels,
nothing about 5V versus 3.3 Volt.

My worries about a 5Volt output driving a 3.3 Volt input
are gone with two resistors.

<asciipicture font="mono spaced">

Transmit ( TxD )
TTL Out > -----+
| |
| | Resistor 2K2
| |
+------------> 3v3 IN ( RxD )
| |
| | Resistor 3K3
| |
===== Ground for both levels


This allows a 5 Volt controller
to dump startup message to 3v3 GSM donorcables.

If the 'logical high' of the 3v3 TxD is 'high' enough for the TTL RxD
is my concern for later.

Geert Stappers
A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
2006-07-06 19:06:49 UTC
Post by Geert Stappers
Post by Arco
The use of gsm donorcables is so easy I never build a rs232 since.
Ah, cool idea!
Do those cable operate at TTL (5Volt) or at 3.3 Volt?
(Can they be used in both designs?)
I used this site:

after reading this:
http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/view_message/22283714 (sorry for the dutch link)

These cables can be bought cheaper than the seperate parts...
I myself use C25/S25 cables on 3.3V systems.

Continue reading on narkive: